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0553 'amats {a:-mats'}

字根型; TWOT - 117; 動詞

欽定本 -  strengthen 12, courage 9, strong 5, courageous 2, harden 2, speed 2,
      stronger 2, confirm 1, established 1, fortify 1, increaseth 1,
      steadfastly  minded 1, obstinate 1, prevailed 1; 41

1) 堅強, 警戒, 勇敢, 無懼, 堅固, 大膽, 結實, 穩重
   1a) (Qal) 堅強, 勇敢, 無懼
       1a1) (人) 強壯
       1a2) 無懼
   1b) (Piel)
       1b1) 使堅固, 加強
       1b2) 為自己穩固堅定
       1b3) 使不動搖, 使頑固, 使安心
   1c) (Hithpael)
       1c1) 自我強壯 ( 代下 13:7 )
       1c2) 自我確定目標, 下定決心 ( 得 1:18 )
       1c3) 自我警戒 ( 王上 12:18  代下 10:18 )
   1d) (Hiphil) 呈現能力, 強壯 ( 詩 27:14 )
0553 'amats {aw-mats'}

a primitive root; TWOT - 117; v

AV -  strengthen 12, courage 9, strong 5, courageous 2, harden 2, speed 2,
      stronger 2, confirm 1, established 1, fortify 1, increaseth 1,
      steadfastly  minded 1, obstinate 1, prevailed 1; 41

1) to be strong, alert, courageous, brave, stout, bold, solid, hard
   1a) (Qal) to be strong, brave, bold
   1b) (Piel) to strengthen, secure (for oneself), harden (heart),
       make firm, make obstinate, assure
   1c) (Hithpael) to be determined, to make oneself alert, strengthen
       oneself, confirm oneself, persist in, prove superior to
   1d) (Hiphil) to exhibit strength, be strong, feel strong